June 18

3 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade to a Whole-House Fan

Does your home feel stuffy and muggy, especially during warmer or humid months? It might be time to consider upgrading to a whole-house fan. Let’s… View Article Read More

AC Installation in Sonora, CA
August 21

DIY AC Installation: What You Need to Know

About nine out of 10 households in the United States have an air conditioning unit. You may see installing the AC yourself as a way… View Article Read More

AC unit in Sonora, CA
June 20

What Does an Air Conditioner Checkup Involve?

Your air conditioner works hard throughout the summer to protect you against the stifling heat. So, before temperatures start to rise, make sure you give… View Article Read More

High Celling in Sonora, CA
September 13

Do High Ceilings Affect the Efficiency of My HVAC?

A home with a cathedral or high ceiling can be stylish because it allows you to show off great craftsmanship and features like skylights, chandeliers… View Article Read More

AC Service in Sonora, CA
August 15

How Often Should Your AC Be Serviced for Optimal Performance?

Having an air conditioner is a necessity for many homeowners, especially those who live in hot climates. While it is important to have an AC… View Article Read More

AC unit in Sonora, CA
July 20

3 Reasons Why Your AC Can Freeze Up

An AC unit can freeze up due to a variety of reasons. Sometimes, these issues are fairly easy to fix on your own. Other times,… View Article Read More

May 16

Everything You Need to Know About Portable AC Units

Portable AC units have been growing in popularity in recent years. These units work by drawing in hot air from your home and then cooling… View Article Read More